• They all said yes

    They all said yes

    I’ll admit it: I’m a sucker for the military family reunion videos. I tear up every time. One of my most vivid memories is of my brother holding his six-week-old daughter for the first time. If for no other reason than the fact that they are separated from their family and friends in order to […]

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  • Hot mess Monday

    Hot mess Monday

    Rather than write the long, whining post about how today and everything in it are horrible, I give you this: It allows users to viagra ordination http://secretworldchronicle.com/2018/04/ep-9-09-get-out-alive-part-1-of-2/ and the experts to regain the sexual endurance. It plays a vital role to improve your general health, strengthen your muscles and of course, regular exercise naturally increases […]

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  • Meh

    Minnesota makes me dull. This is lively, even though the music makes me sleepy. For the time being, Americans will continue to have to choose between buying food for their family or buying health insurance they can’t afford that hardly covers the costs of the drugs they can’t buy. cheap viagra without prescription is a […]

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  • Answer the question

    Answer the question

    Warning: there is some strong language in this post. I think it’s appropriate, but if you read and are offended, well scratch your mad place. It is now customary when making a purchase to be asked, “Can I have your phone number/email address/mother’s maiden name?” When this first started, it was generally just the zip […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Rain rain rain

    Terrible Tuesday: Rain rain rain

    Texas is in the middle of a prolonged drought, so all the rain is very welcome. Except when you leave your windows rolled down while going to the grocery store and come out to a downpour. That’s unfortunate. Soggy links! I have a dream. A backyard dream! Now I just need money, time, and labor […]

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  • When it all goes wonky, sing

    When it all goes wonky, sing

    I’ve been working on a post that I thought was going to be ready. Then it went sideways. And grew. And now it’s this monstrous . . . thing. So that didn’t happen. Yet. I’m still working on it, I just have to beat it into submission first. The same thing happened to most of […]

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  • Celebrating Easter under threat

    Celebrating Easter under threat

    The American Church does Easter BIG. Knowing that it’s a time when non-believers and the unchurched are more willing to attend services, we pull out all the stops. Little girls wear hats and gloves; little boys are decked out in clip-on ties. My pastor even wears slacks instead of jeans! We put on huge spectacles, […]

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    The makings of a criminal mastermind

    The makings of a criminal mastermind

    If he’s like this at two, can you imagine what he’ll be like at It also contains those herbs which are online cialis purchase highly effective in diabetes management. 1. Lifestyle Leading to Impotence Young men using or that are an abuse of recreational drugs and alcohol are more likely for having erectile dysfunction and […]

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  • Worst day of the year?

    Worst day of the year?

    Experts say this is the worse day of the year. I suspect some of that is due in part to the hard sugar crash people are having. It is also the Feast of Epiphany, or as I’m coming to know it, the Day of the Plumber. We were going to have a party for Epiphany, […]

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  • Frozen


    The ice storm hit with a vengeance, and although we still have power, we don’t have internet. So I’m blogging from my phone. Isn’t technology grand? No Fine Arts Friday, though. It isn’t that grand.   Though super active cialis that means there is none yet, it remains a positive statement for others who are […]

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