The American Church does Easter BIG. Knowing that it’s a time when non-believers and the unchurched are more willing to attend services, we pull out all the stops. Little girls wear hats and gloves; little boys are decked out in clip-on ties. My pastor even wears slacks instead of jeans! We put on huge spectacles, special song services or passion plays. (MTG and I actually got to know each other while working on our church’s Easter drama. He was on the tech crew and I was the stage nazi, er manager.)
Outside of Easter services, we have egg hunts and other events to connect with our communities. The latest craze is helicopter egg drops. Two questions: Who came up with that crazy idea? And how are they going to top it?
But while Easter throughout the church is a day of celebration and while it may mean outreach here, in many parts of the world, it’s a signal for Christians to be on high alert for attacks. In my Between Errands column, I talked to two different group, Voice of the Martyrs and International Christian Concern, about Easter among the persecuted Church.
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One of the things that struck me is that the answer to my question “What can we do for the persecuted church” was almost word for word identical from the representatives of both organizations: Persecuted Christians ask first and foremost that we pray that they would remain faithful to Christ in the face of persecution.
As you make your last minute Easter preparations, remember our brothers and sisters throughout the world who are also preparing with joy, but also with wariness. Remember those in prison, suffering for their faith. Remember and pray.
Read more at Between Errands at Communities Digital News.
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