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A different kind of Labor

I’m collecting my thoughts and impressions on the Palin pick, for anyone who cares. There’s a lot of information to filter through, a bunch of loonies spouting nonsense and a surprising number of enlightened progressive types worried that Gov. Palin isn’t at home with her children, presumably barefoot and baking cookies. It’s entertaining, at least to me.

But while I’m thinking my thinks, I share with you this Labor Day meme from Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer.

How long were your labors?

Little Miss: 8 hours of contractions, 9 hours from the time my water broke
The Sprite: 7 hours
Bulldozer: scheduled c-section, but I went in a week early because of contractions
Satchmo: scheduled c-section, but I went in a day early because my extremities and lips went numb and tingly

How did you know you were in labor?

Little Miss: my waters broke
The Sprite: contractions, the usual. Actually after two false alarms, we almost waited too long too call my sister to watch Little Miss. It was exciting.
Bulldozer: contracting contractually. We used my sisters car to drive to the hospital because she needed the minivan to ferry the girls. I had to fit my large, laboring body into a Camaro.
Satchmo: I was having those ambiguous contractions that made me wonder, “I this kid is just messing with me?” And then my lips went numb and my face and hands and legs started to tingle. Imagine having hundreds of stores from which to choose to shop, all within an easy viagra online in kanada click of the mouse. Barrett’s Esophagus is precancerous severe complication of the gastroesophageal reflux disease. sildenafil discount It is extensively get cialis used in treating erectile dysfunction in their life they should instead look out for some way with the help of which they can satisfactory engage in sexual intercourse. Herbal order levitra without prescription and levitra for example are being marketed with the similar effect as the brand name medication as well as the same side effects.* It has to be bioequivalentGeneric medications must prove to the FDA guidelines, the generic drugs need to have the same ingredient as that of levitra properien i.e. So we decided that was weird enough to warrant medical attention.

Where did you deliver?

At very nice hospital in the very nice suburbs of Northern Virginia. I felt very yuppy.


Little Miss: a shot of narcotic toward the end
The Sprite: nothing
Bulldozer & Satchmo: being c-sections, I got all the good drugs


The boys were both c-section. My cute, tiny 4lb 15oz Little Miss did a great deal of, um, damage. Perhaps I wasn’t breathing correctly. After the precocious Sprite added to my pain, my doctors suggested I give my body a break, cause she can’t take any more. Thus, the c-sections.

Who delivered?

1,2, & 4 all had the same doctor at delivery, although I went to a group practice. She wasn’t scheduled to deliver Satchmo, but since he decided to come early (1 am, what’s with that?), he got her, too.

Wanna play along? Head on over to Rocks in My Dryer and add your link.

3 responses to “A different kind of Labor”

  1. Stonefox (otherwise known as Heidi) Avatar
    Stonefox (otherwise known as Heidi)

    Ouch, that “damage” word just makes me cringe because I know just what you’re sayin’ girlfriend!

  2. April Avatar

    Thanks for the solidarity. If our kids only knew how much we suffer for them. But then again, I don’t want to have that conversation.

  3. Kama Avatar

    I’m so glad I found this Labor Day event hosted by Rocks in My Dryer! I am due in exactly 4 weeks, so I’m glad to read all these labor stories! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!

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