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    Sometimes it’s wise to be rude

    Sometimes it’s wise to be rude

    This post (which is tangentially about Zimmerman, but worth the read even if you’re oversaturated) talks about the need to profile and being safe: I used to tell my students to pay attention to their instincts. If you get a bad vibe off of somebody, for whatever reason, pay attention to it. That doesn’t make […]

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    A hurting world

    A hurting world

    The UN estimates that there are 200,000,000 missing girls in the world today. That number may actually be smaller than reality since China boasts of aborting 336,000,000 unborn children, a majority of those girls.  Add in unreported cases of female infanticide, as well as the statistics from India and other countries, 200 million might actually […]

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    How important is it to you that the “good guy” (whoever that may be for you) is always right? Let’s take an example from the Bible and some pretty good guys, the apostles: Before Jesus ascended into heaven, “He ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father.” […]

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    The horrors of the Gosnell trial. The attack in Boston. Poison being sent to elected officials. And now this devastating explosion in West, TX. My heart is too heavy for words. I am praying for my country. It effectively regulates menstruation, relieves the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause including scorching online viagra mastercard flashes, fatigue, […]

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