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    Terrible Tuesday: It’s almost Christmas!!!!!

    Terrible Tuesday: It’s almost Christmas!!!!!

    I’m not ready! I’m not ready! I’m not ready! Panicked links! Do you want to know how to get the Audible book of A Christmas Carol narrated by Tim Curry for just $0.99? Of course, you do! Okay, this is the deal: If you have the Kindle version of a book, very often you can […]

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    An old dog learns a new trick

    An old dog learns a new trick

    A few years back, my girls wanted to learn how to crochet. Since I hadn’t the foggiest notion how to crochet, I did the obvious thing: I bought them a book. Between that book, Youtube videos, and asking more capable friends and family members, they taught themselves to crochet. And then went on to teach […]

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    Mid-July garden update

    Mid-July garden update

    First the good news: this is by far the most product my Texas garden has ever been. By a great deal.  We’ve had a steady harvest of wax beans and grape tomatoes and a few jalapeños. My herb garden is doing very well, too. The bad news: I seem to be the only would-be gardener […]

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    Missing the point

    Jon Acuff  is a big encourager.  That’s what he does professionally. He writes and speaks on how to dream big and accomplish your goals. It’s pretty cool. One way to encourage people is through stories and analogies. Like this one. Did you read it? It’s a great story to illustrated a point: set crazy, outside […]

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