*This post contains affiliated links. I started writing this post at the beginning of the week. It has been eaten and spat back up by digital gremlins more than a couple of times. Then it got unwieldy, and I hacked it back with aggressive deleting. Then it grew again, despite my best efforts. I don’t […]
Steven Crowder put together this beautiful video on American culture, which pretty much sums up how I feel about the birthday girl. Three things every citizen should do today: First read the Declaration of Independence,the whole thing and not just the “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” Read every grievance and the names of those […]
On July 4, 1804, Captains Lewis and Clark and the rest of the Corps of Discovery celebrated the first Independence Day west of the Mississippi by firing off their cannon. They were at the beginning of a grand adventure that was the first steps in opening the West to their countrymen. In addition to this […]
Today, we took the kids to the Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery for the Memorial Day Ceremonies. It was a beautiful service, and it’s such a privilege to witness such observances. My boys, in particular, asked lots of questions and the day was full of teachable moments for them as well as for me. “Why do […]
Today all the world celebrates Cinco de Mayo, marking the Mexican Victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Well, actually they don’t. Most of Mexico doesn’t even celebrate Cinco de Mayo. (It’s not Mexican Independence Day. That happened on September 16, 1810 — half a century earlier.) Cinco de […]
The leaves are changing and falling off the trees. The weather is turning crisp. Pumpkin Spice and Gingerbread lattes at your local Starbucks. And of course, the time for the perpetually offended to put on their holiday prune face. Let us begin with Thanksgiving, or as some think of it: the gluttonous celebration of oppression […]
Happy mother’s day to all you mothers and children. Which is everyone except clones. So happy mother’s day to all non-clones!* On Mother’s Day, mom’s shouldn’t have to change stinky diapers. But my husband is helping out at church and my girl’s aren’t at poop-level diapering yet. So I am blogging to avoid the poop. […]