“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
Two decades ago, I had the pleasure of working with a Viet Nam vet while lobbying on health care rationing for the National Right to Life Committee. He told me then that the Veterans Administration health care system was awful and he avoided it like the plague. When he told me that, I just assumed […]
*Disclaimer, some of this post talks about medical exams on female genitalia. If that’s gonna bother you, go check out this post. No hoohas there. Yesterday, I came across an article on a study by the Annals of Internal Medicine on the efficacy — or lack there of — of routine pelvic exams. The study […]
From Wesley Smith’s blog, where he has much goodness and wisdom on all sorts of medical issues, including health care reform. (All that to say, you should read his blog.) From his post on Canadian health care rationing: If an HMO tried to do that here, it would not stand. The screaming would justifiably never […]
Nineteen ninety-four, the year of HillaryCare, was my first summer as an intern at National Right to Life Committee. That was a very busy summer fighting government rationing healthcare, taxpayer funded abortion on demand, involuntary euthanasia through the denial of life saving treatments, good times. (Okay, so I mainly made copies and stuffed envelopes. Papercuts! […]
A paralyzed woman feels compelled to make that case that it is not selfish to want to live. If it is a good and selfless and noble thing to die rather than “be a burden,” then are those people who choose to live selfish and base? What is the line? Is dialysis okay, but help […]