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    Back with a bang (UPDATED)

    (Note: This post will remain at the top of the page until the end of the give-away. Scroll down for newer posts.) Or a give away.  The blog injuries have been healed, and although I’m still crazy busy, I need to write.  And if I’m going to write, why shouldn’t I inflict it on the […]

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    Some pretty cool stuff

    Do you know Bloggy Giveaways? Are you one of the 2 people on the interwebs who do not participate in this amazing quarterly prize bonanza? As of 11:45 p.m., there are 814 giveaways listed. This will grow throughout the week. You can spend a lot of time entering the drawings and get some pretty cool […]

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    That’s a great idea

    Have you seen the Heart of the Matter online homeschooling magazine? They are having an online conference July 31st through August 3rd. Conferencing in my pjs: just my speed. Amy of the Humble Musings is having a give-away for free conference registrations. And I want to win and attend a conference in my pajamas. It […]

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  • Oh, for cute!

    So, I won an award on the bloggy carnival. (Yay, my team!) Gail at More than a Song gave away these two really cute crayon holders. They are very cute. But now I’m at a loss in how to distribute them among the munchkins. I was thinking to bring them out on the next road […]

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    And the winner is . . .

    Katie at Boasting in My Weakness. Woo-hoo! Congrats, Katie. I’ll send you an email to get your address and Keaggy is on his way! Well, not the actually Keaggy, because that would be inhumane. Thanks for playing, everyone, and thank you for all your helpful suggestions. However, in spite of these studies, like many others […]

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    Cure for the mid-winter blahs

    I’ve got ’em, oh how I’ve got ’em. No zip, no energy, no motivation. Just a mournful sigh as I gaze at the mountains of laundry and Christmas decorations that didn’t make it up to the attic in the first round. And also, taxes. Blah.But hark, what light from yon window breaks. Or something. It’s […]

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