“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
Most Americans will be either watching a fireworks display or launching their own in celebration of our nation’s independence. We’ll be part of the spectator crowd. If you have little kids (or if you are or were a little kid), you’ve probably heard “How do they DO that?” It’s not magic, it’s chemistry! The science […]
Argh! I’ve been working on this stupid blog post for a week. Then yesterday, it comes out that the researcher faked his data. Stupid scientist. (PSA: Science is a process, not a religion, not “facts.” Science is done by humans whom–whatever their academic qualifications–are just as prone to being lying jerks as the rest of humanity.) […]
A couple of years ago, I started writing for the Washington Times Communities Pages. That eventually moved to Communities Digital News. And then I realized I’m homeschooling four kids, one of whom started high school this past year, and what am I crazy? But it was fun while it lasted. While you can find my […]
Government recommendations on food (and exercise and carbon emissions, etc.) are often treated as gospel by the media, the medical community, and of course, the average Joe. But a recent spate of food news shows that what they thought they knew is wrong, so they have to rewrite their bible: Fat? Maybe not the demon […]
Remember when bleeding people used to be considered a good cure for all sorts of ailments? Or when doctors thought it was a good idea to knock women unconscious when having babies? Ah, those silly rubes. Hey, remember 30 years ago when we intentionally and aggressively replaced huge portions of the natural dietary fats with […]