From the Thompson nerds, er family. Our Christmas Eve tradition is to open one gift, always a graphic t-shirt. They’re usually from Woot, but this year MTG and I got ours from Think Geek, and I just got Sprite’s from Amazon. Oddly, Woot doesn’t carry a lot of softball t-shirts. Weird. Give this medicine to […]
Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And heav’n and nature sing, Advent is the season in the Church calendar when Christians prepare their hearts to receive their King. December (well, really starting in November) is the time when we prepare for the […]
One of the great thing about Christmas music is that if you don’t like one particular rendition of a song, you’ve got lots of options. That being said, this is the best version of “Carol of the Bells,” no contest. (Yes, those Pentatonix kids are good; this is better.) Children have vivid imaginations and conjure […]
You know how when you’re sick, you think you’re coherent and intelligible, but you’re really not? Yeah, I’m not even going to try to string words together. Cool Christmas videos that everyone has already seen a million times but whatever! During this medication any type of heavy tadalafil canadian pharmacy or cholesterol food should not […]
Today is the Feast of St. Nicholas, and I learned something new. St. Nick wasn’t just a kindly pastor who gave money to the needy; he also punched heretics. The basics are this: Nicholas was a contemporary of Arian, and at the ecumenical council called to sort out the Arian controversy (and eventually we got the […]
Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the season in the Christian calendar when Christians have traditionally prepared for the coming (Advent) of the Messiah. We’re in a bit of a pressure-cooker season, so I’m not sure how much preparation will get done. But even if my halls go completely undecked, we’ll set up our […]
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me the ability to reason. Not really, it’s five golden rings! The only verse anyone consistently remembers other than the partridge in a pear tree verse. You may have seen the true meaning of “The 12 Days of Christmas” bit passed around, particularly if […]
It’s here! Amid the feasting and unwrapping and searching for batteries, pause for a moment and remember the one whose birth we celebrate. Since the generic Propecia is in demand, you can samples of levitra also buy generic Propecia online too. Some women face problems while having sex and do not have to worry about […]
My favorite Christmas carol is “O Come, Emmanuel.” It is so hauntingly beautiful, but when performed on cello, it’s almost heartbreaking. Unlike most Christmas hymns, it is not primarily joyful and triumphant. It is a song of longing, although longing in assurance: “Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.” It is […]
Do you Santa? Mollie Hemingway has a nice collection of tales from the poor deprived folks who never had Santa or who don’t do Santa for their kids. It reminded me of this hilarious tale from the Deputy Headmistress about getting called out on the big Santa lie by her tiny daughter. I don’t remember […]