“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
So a guy at with an energy company is doing his door-to-door “sign up for a really good deal” schtick. We get some information, enough to know that it’s better than what we got now. But we don’t like to make instant decisions. So we ask him to come back in about 45 minutes (before […]
Your Money Personality is Healthy You have a good relationship with money. You don’t spend wildly, but you’re not opposed to treating yourself on occasion. In general, you save some of what you earn. You know the importance of a nest egg. You aren’t afraid of being financially literate – you embrace learning more about […]
Even though I’ve been in North Texas for more than a year, I still read The Washington Post (website) more than The Dallas Morning News. Partly out of habit and partly because the Post is a better website. One of the must-reads at the Post in personal finance columnist Michelle Singletary. She is gives great, […]