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    My two cents

    My two cents

    I have avoided writing about politics for quite a while for many reasons. The primary one is because I’m a bit of a pessimist, and, frankly, I see the writing on the wall when it comes to the beautiful experiment of a constitutional republic and a nation governed by rule of law. But, though fatally […]

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  • Rainy days, late nights, so tired, still happy

    Rainy days, late nights, so tired, still happy

    Last night, Little Miss and I participated in the Ace of Spades Decision Desk crowdsourcing of election returns. Which just means we feverishly reloaded government websites and entered numbers into a spreadsheet. So much excitement! We were working on the Texas gubernatorial race, which was a foregone conclusion, but it was still a fun experiment […]

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    Nothing really matters to me

    Nothing really matters to me

    Sorry, the above video has nothing to do with the post. The post title just gave me the earworm. The New York Times has an interesting article on a study looking at how political opinions formed in youth inform lifelong political beliefs. When they talk about events that shape a generation, they aren’t exaggerating. The […]

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    Political Theater

    Political Theater

    The nation’s 18th government shutdown has begun and will likely continue for another two weeks. In past shutdowns, both sides have tried to make the other side look as bad as possible in public, while negotiating to end the shutdown behind the scenes.  This time, there probably won’t be any negotiations between House and Senate […]

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