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Real funny, God.

The human body is a marvel and thanks to Science! and technology (“Technology!”?), we are becoming aware of how much more marvelous it is than we had ever imagined. The complexity of the design truly is awe inspiring. Mathematician Alexander Tsiaras recently gave a TED Talk presenting human life from conception to birth. It is a stunning video and worth 10 minutes of your time. Watch it, I’ll wait.


Done?  Wasn’t that amazing? It boggles the mind to think of  cells developing at one million cells per second. Having had four children, I was slightly horrified at the fact that if babies continued growing at the rate they begin developing, they’d be 1.5 tons at birth. Yikes.

But what stopped me cold was this image:


Real funny, God. Ha ha.
Wait, that image on the left looks familiar. Holy smokes, it’s an alligator!

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I don’t know whether to be fascinated or disturbed. It’s disturbingly fascinating.

I’m sorry. Or you’re welcome.  Your pick.

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