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Piracy and learning

For the next two years, we’ll be studying American History using a literature approach. Next week we’ll be studying pirates, specifically their activity along the North American coast. We’ve plundered the library of pirate books and commandeered “Muppet Treasure Island.” I’m ready with maps, and crafts, and buried treasure. Look, I even have my own pirate name!

My pirate name is:

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Iron Anne Kidd

A pirate’s life isn’t easy; it takes a tough person. That’s okay with you, though, since you a tough person. Even though you’re not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network

Another great tool I’m using to gather information is Learnist. Learnist is kind of like Pinterest for nerds. It’s a way to visually organize content on a given topic and browse through other people’s learnings.

The girls are doing their own history blogs.  (Private, locked-down, no you can’t see them.) Instead of writing essays or doing projects, they are writing blog posts for every topic we cover. They are writing, but also posting pictures and videos, and linking to other sites of interest.  Instead of trying to find enough wall somewhere in this wacky house, the timeline is in the sidebar.

And that’s where Learnist can be helpful.  The web is a wild place (much like the Spanish Main), and I’m not always able to be with them while they search.  (I’m always in the general area, as our computer is in a very public place, but not always right by their sides.)  Sure we’ve got filters on and they know to only search with safe search on, but I still worry.  However, if I create a board of sources from Learnist, then I know they can start their search on sure ground–er, web.

To learn more about pirates and check out Learnist, visit my board.

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