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Good quotes, odd quotes and links

Amy at Amy’s Humble Musings quoting another mom blog:

“Say that you rail and your rail with your children about all kinds of things: drugs and rock music and Christian music and weak Christianity and sugar and white bread and recycling and ‘those’ people and bad literature and mud on their boots and dirty houses and vaccinations and feeding babies and chocolate and vitamins and natural childbirth, how will your children know which of these things is really important? Maybe one day they find out that some Christians eat sugar and they are nice lovely people who truly love the Lord but from hearing you day in and day out he thought that anyone who ate sugar had a free ticket to hell. Now every single thing you have tried to teach your child ever has been undermined by your passionate intensity.”

Don’t ya just hate it when something hits home so hard it takes your breath away? Ouch.

From a story on cell phones tying up traffic (ht: Anne at Palm Tree Pundit): “It’s a bit like breaking wind in the elevator. Everyone suffers,” Peter Martin of the University of Utah’s Traffic Lab said in a telephone interview.

My mother would just DIE if that was my quote.

And, drum roll please, Why Homeschool: Carnival of Homeschool: Week 105 – The 2nd Anniversary! Ta-da!

Lots of good stuff, but my favorite is the coolest gingerbread “house” ever. The principle levitra generika try here now of chiropractic is based on the theory that nerve irritation causes pain and disorders. After all, spending so much cialis canada cheap period trying to seize control may have left the household member feeling lost and unsure of ways in which to combat any issues surrounding their love life. You should not take your hair loss lightly and neither should the products you choose to treat levitra viagra price it. Other reasons for reduced sex drive and weak erection cialis 10 mg why not find out more in men include reduced blood supply to the male organ. There is also this great snowman related learnin’ stuff from Mama Squirrel. More than one post on why Huckabee isn’t a favorite among all homeschoolers. Not at the carnival, but Spunky has a very thorough set of posts analyzing Huckabee and homeschooling. In case there is any homeschooler in the blogosphere who hasn’t read it.

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