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    He speaks!

    Today I am thankful, so thankful, that after 5 months of speech therapy, Satchmo–the almost three year old–finally decided to speak to his speech therapist. *Aside: Why is speak “ea” and speech “ee”? It makes no sense. Anyway, since June Satchmo has toddled back once a week to play with Miss Elissa for 30 minutes. […]

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    Funny kid, real funny

    Today was Satchmo’s 2nd speech session after his initial evaluation. He said nothing last week, but we figured he was just a little shy. This week, he also said nothing. He did his usual pointing and the new squeaking his added to his repertoire, which is really annoying. Now, Satchmo has speech delays. His vocabulary […]

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    Still on the therapy treadmill

    But we’re adding another therapy to our week. So that will be six. Six, that is if we are diligent to work with Little Miss every day, including this unpleasant massage to break up the scar tissue, so that we don’t have to add more PT. She very patiently does all the exercises, but she […]

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