A link because there is a bit of foul language, and I like people to have a choice. More stories of the executive branch shutting down private businesses and evicting private citizens from property they own that is on federal land. (And if you’re curious, no this didn’t happen in the 17 previous shutdowns.) Let […]
Day 3 of the shutdown and things are looking no better than on day one. It doesn’t look like the Republicans have any idea how to get themselves out of this mess because the whole idea of shutdowns is that it forces the two sides to come together and compromise. It’s like they haven’t been paying attention […]
Oh wait, I’m already here. Yay! (For non-Texans–bless your hearts–this is what Davy Crockett reportedly said this to his former constituents after he lost his re-election bid for the House of Representatives. Crockett later died at the Alamo.) Texas state legislators have introduced a resolution reminding the federal government about that whole tenth amendment. You […]