Day 3 of the shutdown and things are looking no better than on day one. It doesn’t look like the Republicans have any idea how to get themselves out of this mess because the whole idea of shutdowns is that it forces the two sides to come together and compromise. It’s like they haven’t been paying attention for the last 5 years. Bless their gullible hearts. The Democrats are not only not dealing in good faith, but actually going out of their way to be jerks. This, my fellow Americans, is why I say we’re governed and not ruled. It may or may not be true anymore, but it’s psychologically more comforting to think of these yahoos as merely being the drivers of the bus than as the boss of me.

Today in my Washington Times Community Pages column, I wrote about how the Executive Branch is shutting down even those sites that don’t take federal funds, contrary to the practice of previous shutdowns. In fact, some of the privately managed federal lands actually bring money into the treasury.
You have the case of the Claude Moore Colonial Farm, which hasn’t been funded by the federal government since 1982 and has been exempted from previous shutdowns. You ought to read the letter from the Managing Director Anna Eberly. It is a thing of righteously indignant beauty.
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While you meditate on that, you should check out this very interesting paper Mr. Meyer wrote for the Property and Environment Research Center called “A Tale of Two Parks.” It’s not very long and is a very interesting explanation of private management of public lands.
The National Park Service also got into a tussle with the Mount Vernon Association but backed down PDQ. You do not want to mess with those ladies. They’ll cut you with period-authentic knives.
For more on how the government is closing down federal sites it doesn’t actually fund, read my column at Between Errands on The Washington Times Community Pages.
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