

Gigglemeister has an ear infection, plus that nasty cold that is filled with snot and phlegmy coughs. Therefore, he finds it uncomfortable to sleep laying down. Therefore, the mommy shall hold him just so for his all important beauty sleep. Therefore, the mommy isn’t very beautiful today. Plus MTG had to be at a job an hour away at 6 am, making wake-up time 4:15. So, we’re tired today.


For the coherent, The Common Room (winner of TWO Homeschool Blogger Awards) has the Carnival of Homeschooling. There are numerous techniques readily available for ordine cialis on line this condition including medication’s treatment; surgery one amongst the medication approach to enhance your function which could assist you to a great deal throughout the intercourse and can purchase this medication. According to a recent study, the sales of drugs for erectile dysfunction. free cialis is another commonly recommended drug for this condition. What doesn’t show up is the alienation, helplessness, and lack of cialis purchase connections to customers or organizational purpose that centralized bureaucracy often brings. As a result, hemospermia caused by seminal vesiculitis do viagra soft tablet has certain harm to men’s heath. Good stuff, seasonal and not. There is more than one post dealing with politics, but my favorite is Dana’s (also an HBA winner) great post on “Huckabee and monolithic homeschoolers.” Becky at Life without School has some thoughts on General Knowledge. I like this quote “It’s an important skill to know who to ask.” That’s a crucial skill that many adults don’t know. And April (love that name!) at Lunablog lets us know about Gametap, a subscription service for computer games.

So falalala and deck them halls. I need a nap.

One response to “CarYAWNival”

  1. Becky Avatar

    Thanks so much for including me. It’s nice to know who else is out there. Hope your kids get well soon…and that you get some sleep!


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