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Brouhaha hoo-hah

So apparently there’s another overwrought diatribe by a government school teacher who is upset with the homeschoolers. Sigh. Can’t we all just get along? Or even better, you do your thing with our money and leave us the heck alone. Sorry, I’m feeling a bit misanthropic today. Grumble.

I’d link, but it’s really such a stupid argument, my blog would be dumber from the contact. I will link to Dana’s always intelligent blog. You get to the original post there, if you’re feeling foolhardy.

Tammy has delightful thoughts on the kerfuffle. It’s a sneaky form of advertising, that’s for sure, and one must give credit levitra 20 mg find out for more info to those who work there. With world class life casting practitioner, educationist and manufacturer, Ed McCormick at cialis canada mastercard the helm, The ArtMolds Journal is breaking new boundaries and more. Below are a india cialis few foods to add to the old shopping list to perk up the pecker. Unable to hold a pencil correctly or complaints of hand pain and fatigue.Unable online cialis to use utensils to eat, has trouble dressing like others of his/her age.Reacts negatively to stimuli in the environment such as sounds, bright lights. She begins with the quote, “To be normal is the ideal aim of the unsuccessful.” C.G. Jung. And it gets better from there.

One of our main reasons for homeschooling is to preserve our weird. Or rather, preserve our weird without being berated and bullied because of it. (Yes, I just used weird as a noun.)

So I’m off to help my children be as weird as they can be. Let the normal people say what they will.

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