To decimate comes from the Roman practice of killing one in every ten soldiers in a mutinous legion. Decimate now means “to severely damage or destroy a large part of something.”
Over the past 41, over 56,000,000 children have been killed through abortion. If one in ten is to decimate, what is almost one in three — the approximate number of unborn children conceived who were then aborted? If 1/10 severely damages, the impact of killing 1/3 of a generation — now two generations — is staggering. Not only the broken mothers, fathers, grandparents, and siblings of those children but our nation as a whole has lost so much.
So today, for the 40th year and on the coldest day in 30 years*, tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people will march in Washington to the step of the Supreme Court where seven men decided the doctors can kill and that the meaning of life is subjective.
This is why they march: to protect the most vulnerable members of our human family.
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We march, we stand, we pray, we work until the day that all members of the human family are protected. And we are making a difference. Lives are being saved every day.
A beautiful, almost poetic description of life from a biologist, “NO ONE is a mere blob of cells, ever.”
Follow the marchers and join in from afar at #WhyWeMarch on social media.
*The national media has notoriously ignored the March for Life — the longest lasting and largest by a factor of a whole heck of a lot peaceful protest movement in America’s history. Probably in world history. The same media, centered around the DC/NY axis, is also experiencing very cold weather, which historically causes them to freak out and make their weather national news. (Here’s a tip: the heartland doesn’t care that you’re cold/wet/hot. Get over yourself.) But here’s an angle for you: Tens of thousands of people from all over the country are marching through bitter cold to bring attention to their cause. Maybe they that is worth a blurb on the evening news?
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