
What have I been doing with myself?

Well, obviously, I haven’t been posting.

And I certainly haven’t been playing this game addictively. (ht Melissa at The Bonny Glen.)

And decorating for Christmas and driving over creation looking for Christmas outfits for the kiddies and planning a crazy, hectic unreal Christmas series of celebration at my mom’s. And putting together Christmas lapbooks and dealing with broken cars. And laundry and cleaning and life.

Oh, ocassionally, I’ll think of a fascinating (mildly amusing?) post, but it never makes it out of my brain. I’ve got a mind like a steel trap. Unfortunately, someone put the doors on backwards and nothing actually gets out.

But since I can’t be creative, I shall point you to some helpful and amusing links elsewhere.

First, the Carnival of Recipes–Cooking on a Budget. Yum. But, treatment with Tadalis SX and probably acupuncture can help males regain their vigor lowest priced viagra and perform well during intercourse. He will be your support and he will definitely guide you up with the proper dosage of the medicine. after successful cialis 20 mg view content registration, you are the active member of that foreign pharmacy. Read the brochure carefully before canadian viagra online using the medication. Whatever may be the cause of the impotence men’s order cialis online health drugs , Caverta works efficiently to cure it. We’re doing leftovers tonight. Yum?

And now, since I always and incessantly linking to it, here is Joe Carter’s 33 Things. It’s like the freak show of the Carnival. You can see this fascinating website called Visuwords (ooh) and learn new and improved stereotypes (For example, did you know that Maori Tribesmen have an innate sense of insurance law? In their culture you aren’t considered a man until you’ve finished your first 42-H claimant redundancy projection.) And finally, after tracing down the link to the link to the link, this fascinating story on memory in the National Geographic. A 41-year-old woman remembers every detail of her life since she was 11. I think I’d probably be more discerning with my time if I were going to remember every minute of it. Like maybe play less of that crazy game.

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