is that you don’t know when to shut up. In my Communities column, I wrote about protecting the natural night sky, particularly what the very excellent organization International Dark-Sky Association is doing to combat light pollution.
Being a (very) amateur skywatcher living in an urban area, this is a matter near and dear to my heart. There are also a lot of aspects, information, research, and anecdotes. I had to cut a lot out, and even then it’s a bit lengthy. But it’s so very important — and not just because everyone ought to have the experience of seeing the Milky Way (which they should.) But in addition to the importance of knowing about the natural world first hand, light pollution has impacts on our health, the ecology, and our wallets. That’s right, it’s costing you money. NOW are you interested?

The great thing about fighting light pollution is that it’s an easy fix. There’s no toxic sludge, no waste to dispose of, just turn off or re-direct the light so it’s lighting the ground and not the sky. Brilliantly simple, right?
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Lots more about light pollution including what it is, what it does, and most importantly what is being done to fight it and what you can do to help at Between Errands at Communities Digital News.
And go check out good lighting fixtures and check your outdoor lighting.
And find your nearest dark place for sky watching.
And… No, I guess that’s all. For now.
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