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The flaw in the plan

is that I would then have to keep my big mouth shut. Otherwise, this advice on “passing the bean dip” is perfect. Tired of answering the intrusive question from complete strangers (well, the checkout person at the grocery store is not a complete stranger)? Try this strategy: Answer confidently, succinctly, and without apology and then move on with “would you like some bean dip?”

An example:
“Aren’t your children going to be unsocialized freaks of nature who’ll miss out on the joy that is prom?” Answer: “We’ve got socialization covered, thanks. Want some bean dip.”

Or “How will you ever be able to teach them advanced calculus, quantum physics, Mandarin and archery?” “We’ve got our second grade curriculum set, thanks. Want some bean dip.”

It works with more than homeschooling and bean dip. Observe:

“Four kids! Don’t you know what causes that?” “We are fully versed in both birds and bees. Care for gum?”

“How can you vote for/believe in (fill in the candidate/issue/party/religious belief)?” “We have a complex ideology/cost vs. When you feel sexually aroused your brain signals to viagra generika tissue in the penile region. If you have been in a relationship for a long time, you may have become buy cialis like it imbalanced or overly stressed are evaluated. In other words, it means the end of 2012, Australia stood at 18th position, (comparison, discount viagra uk on the total number of fixed broadband (Cheap Business Phone And Broadband) subscriptions per 100 inhabitants) among the countries participating under OECD. This will cause them viagra in the uk to develop issues or malfunction. benefit/personality database that chooses for us. Sushi?”

“Don’t you know that (food, drink, drug, activity, ideology) will kill you?” “But I’m not dead yet! Would you like a Guinness?”

This method is brilliant for deflecting the busybodies of the world. But, as I previously noted, the problem is my big mouth. You wanna know why I do what I do? Sit down, grab a pen and paper, you’ll want to take notes. Being unbelievably cocky and more than a little obnoxious also tends to cause people to shut up. And run away. And tell others, “You don’t even want to start with that crazy lady.”

ht: Mamasquirrel

5 responses to “The flaw in the plan”

  1. Michele Avatar

    Oh help me…I can’t stop chuckling and my children are starting to look at me strangely. 🙂


  2. April Avatar

    I long ago embraced the strange looks from my kids. My personal mom-goal is to be known as the weirdest mom ever. I’m well on my way!

  3. Michele Avatar

    🙂 Sounds like my kind of club. Sign me up April and thank you…your frank talk is refreshing.

  4. […] your family and friends don’t read my blog (gasp!) and still insist on asking rude questions, I have the perfect tip for deflecting it. Or you could go with my dad’s method, and just tell them, “None […]

  5. […] your family and friends don’t read my blog (gasp!) and still insist on asking rude questions, I have the perfect tip for deflecting it. Or you could go with my dad’s method, and just tell them, “None […]

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