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Thankful for a rich heritage

My grandpa would have been 78 today. He died March 14, 2008. He was an amazing man, a man of many interest and talents. One of the things he loved most was photography. So today, in honor of him and in gratitude of his life and legacy, here are a few of his photographs.

This first picture is of me when I was seven or eight. My grandpa loved to fish, and he loved to take his grandkids fishing. Of course, we were squirmy, jumpy and talkative–not exactly conducive for catching fish. But he never raised his voice, never threatened to stop taking us. He smiled and helped us bait our hooks, and took lots and lots of pictures.

The following pictures are from the memory card that was in his camera when he died.

Christmas was a wonderful time to spend with my grandpa. He made trayfuls of Christmas candy: pralines, fudge and Martha Washingtons. The medical term for having a gallbladder levitra cialis viagra removed is cholecystectomy. There are numerous herbs and plants existing out there that are being utilized by herbal doctors as a remedy and avoidance of varieties of health conditions. viagra prescription But ED condition in men refers specifically to issues in the bedroom for elder men, according to a recent study buy cialis from india published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Testosterone is responsible for male’s cheapest cialis 20mg virility and vitality. He wrote a Christmas letter that was unique and wonderful every year. It might be a 20 page wish list with pictures and stores where the items were available (including a vacuum for Grandma!) or it might be a poem, humorous or convicting. He always dressed up as Santa on Christmas Eve and passed out presents. And he always, always got his kiss from my grandma.

I miss him dearly. He was the best grandpa anyone could have. He taught me folk songs and sang hymns. He prayed for me and with me. He was always trying new things, learning new skills, and starting new collections. And he loved to laugh, to tell funny stories and to gently tease, especially my Grandma (who can give as good as she gets.) I’m so thankful for his faithfulness to God, and to his family. And I’m thankful I had 34 years to store up enough memories to pass on to my children and my grandchildren and, if the Lord is willing, my great grand children.

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