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Terrible Tuesday: Processing info edition

This past weekend, I went to Freedom Works’ BlogCon. I thought about canceling several times in the weeks leading up to the event, because what does my wee little blog have in common with the big political blogger attending this event?  And on Mother’s Day weekend. And the Arlington Homeschool Book Fair. (I’d miss Miller Pads and Paper booth! That’s a serious sacrifice!)

But ultimately I decided to suck it up and come, and I’m so glad I did. I’ve learned a lot, gotten a lot of ideas for moving forward, and some interesting opportunities may be developing.  But there’s a plethora of information and ideas to process. So…


Praise God, Kermit Gosnell was convicted of first-degree murder.

A hilarious obituary? Thanksgiving must be a laugh riot with this family.

Interesting math supplement: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Math. This would be a good way to keep your kids’ math skills sharp during the summer.

Ah, the public education system: saving us from second graders with pencils who make “pew pew” noises.

Summer reading programs are gearing up, and it’s a great way to encourage reluctant readers to power through. Why should your kids read? Well, here’s a reason:


Here are a few programs:

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The food chain gone horribly, terrifyingly wrong. (Cracked link, so language and general immaturity on top of nightmare inducing horror.)

We don’t actually have a free market health care system. In case you thought we did.

How do you spend your last day in space? International Space Station Commander Chris Hadfield decides to… well, just watch.

Oh, Canadian.

And American Idoled Kid Snippet!

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