I have had the feeling I’ve been forgetting something for at least the past week (I forget exactly). And sometimes I’ll remember one of the things I’ve forgotten, but there’s always something else lurking in the shadows of my mind.
What I need is a Rememberall, but like Neville, I’d still be unable to remember what I’d forgotten.

I haven’t forgotten links, though!
Oh, Japan, never change: Elephant dung beer sells out almost immediately.
This is an interesting article on Christian rapper LeCrea and his transition into the mainstream rap world. I’m a little peeved at the “circle the wagons” mentality that happens whenever Christians leave the reservation to share stories to all the world. We should be 100% behind them, praying for them , supporting them, and helping reap the harvest. But noooo, we gotta have purity tests. What part of “Jesus ate with tax collectors” don’t we understand? All of it, apparently.
A chilling collection of tweets of the 53 terrorist plots since 9/11.
Dear whoever on twitter sent this through my timeline, God bless you. Captain Kirk’s guide to fighting.
Sometimes fan art is … precious, sometimes it’s awesome. These Avenger character quotes are the latter.
Yesterday was Earth Day, a fact I celebrated by being an earthling. (Sci-fi never uses “earthling” anymore. It’s always “Terran” this and “Terran” that. Hoity-toity geekery.) Anyway, 13 Worst Predictions Made on Earth Day 1970. Remember the imminent ice age? Good times.
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C.S. Lewis’s Narnia: Mouthwash for the Imagination, a book review. I’m intrigued. (Shocking, I know.)
Heartbreaking interactive before and after images of West. The world seems to be busy with new evil and destruction every day; let’s not forget those who are still suffering from yesterday’s horror.
Nor should we forget the victims of Kermit Gosnell. Bioethicist Leon Kass on the horrors uncovered, “Repugnance is some kind of wake-up call that there is something untoward going on and attention must be paid. These passions are not simply irrational. They contain within them the germ of insight. You cannot give proper verbal account of the horror of evil, yet a culture that couldn’t be absolutely horrified by such things is dead.”
Compass Cinema producers of Visual Latin, Economics for Everybody, and other educational programs is having a great sale: 30% off through Wednesday. Get it while it’s hot!
Watch this with tissues handy.
I love this post on parenting philosophy from the Deputy Headmistress. Listen, is someone tells you that this parenting technique is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY or ABSOLUTELY HARMFUL, and yet people have been living and raising children without or with that very technique for thousands of years, that person is most likely, oh what’s the word I’m looking for? Oh yeah, wrong.
Another one on parenting: the importance of being real and vulnerable with your kids. I’m a great parent, I let my kids see me screw up all the time.
Kidsnippet! I’ve had some job interviews go like this.
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