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Stop me before I check out again!

My “books to be read” list is always rather long, but I try to keep the “books I’m currently reading” pile short, lest I get too distracted to finish any or all of them. But sometimes the beast has a mind of it’s own.  In fact, I just reserved another book at the library today.  Because ten is a nice round number for a book stack.

so many books

Right now, my “books I’m reading” includes:

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Two of these I’m reading for bible studies, two are coming to the end of their library terms, so I think I need to bump those up to priority. I really want to read Cyndere’s Midnight first, but I just got it from the library, so I have longer for that one. I feel like I’m triaging books.  The Bible study books I’m almost caught up with, so I really just need to focus on Daniel Boone and destroying my children’s imagination. Of course this doesn’t include the read-aloud books  for school. We finished George Washington’s Socks and I need to read them Guns for General Washington and The Arrow Over the Door.  I also need to find us a good audio book to listen to on our many journeys. Of course, I did just buy The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, which is an excellent Easter book.

The “real book”/e-book breakdown is 6 real books to 3 e-books, with 4 of those real books being library books. But I’m pretty sure I’m going to buy copies of 2 of the library books: Cyndere’s Midnight and Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child. I like my kindle, but I think I slightly favor the paper book experience over the e-book.

Obviously, I’ve overdone it here, beyond the point of diminishing returns. How do you manage your reading material? Do you limit your books read for pleasure? Do you limit how many books you’re reading at one time? If you were to axe or delay a book or books from the above list, what would you suggest? And most importantly: What’s in your stack that I should read?

3 responses to “Stop me before I check out again!”

  1. Erika Franz Avatar

    I have established a new rule: 4 books.
    1) fiction
    2) non-fiction
    3) self-improvement (professionally)
    4) self-improvement (personally)

    This works out a little like this at the moment:
    1) Herman Hesse’s “Narcissus and Goldmund”
    2) Andrew Robinson’s “Cracking the Egyptian Code, The revolutionary life of Jean-Francois Campollion” (Bet you’d like that one.)
    3) Michael Restak’s “Mozart’s Brain and the Fighter Pilot, Unleashing your brain’s potential” (You’d probably also like this one.)
    4) C.S. Lewis’s “Screwtape Letters”

    By the end of the week, I expect this to list to change as I am nearing completion of two of them. This, as you say, does not include books I am referencing for research or reading for Western Civ or homeschooling. I also initiated a “morning book” which is a notebook that let’s me focus on spending some time each morning either reading or writing, or both.

    But, today is a our only snow day for the entire year, so it is a little different.

    1. April Avatar

      That’s brilliant, I should adopt something like that. And thank you for the 2 new books to add to my to-be-read list.

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