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Questioning government

Dana has the latest Carnival of Principled Government, and she’s asking a few questions. The answer is obviously 42.

This is a great carnival, but interest seems to be off a little. So you should submit an entry to the next carnival. Do it.

The basic guidelines are:

Entries should uphold the founding principles of the United States, either directly or indirectly and may focus on historic or current events, trends or ideas. They relax blood vessels and improve blood flow near male viagra in india online regenerative system. Rather, only expert massage therapists know the intricacies of the massage, like where to apply the oil for about 3 to 4 months for increasing the 100mg viagra effects sexual drive. Kamagra oral jelly and others overnight cialis delivery are the effectual solution or replacement of tablet intake. Side effects like headache, stomach upset, and blurred vision are noted by cialis cost the very few users of the pill. The specific principles are outlined in the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers and our other founding documents. The basic principles are:

Representational government
Unalienable rights (life, liberty, property)
Limited government
Local control
Personal responsibility

This isn’t exhaustive.

Also, via Sunniemom, the danger of the original Sesame Street. Now I understand why I am how I am.

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