
Pooh Cakes! and links

The Gigglemeister turns one tomorrow. (One! Can you believe it!) We are busy preparing for his party tonight because tomorrow is the Girl Scout party and this weekend is the piano recital and choir practice for church. So we’ll celebrate today. Poor little Guy has a cold, which is a cruel birthday gift. He is of the opinion that he cannot sleep fully reclined, so mommy must hold him. He is also of the opinion that I’m one of those Craftmatic adjustable beds that can hit just the right incline, changeable on a whim.

After 3 first birthdays, I’ve wised up (or gotten tired) with number 4. Little Miss had a blowout extravaganza with guests and lunch and party favors and games. At one. First time moms tend to go a little nuts. The Sprite had much smaller party with just immediate family and my sister and her boyfriend. The Bulldozer had immediate family and my husband’s sister. Gigglemeister just gets us. And an empty baby book. I’ve really got to get on it. This happens because of high blood sugar that can damage the penis.Stop using tadalafil and get emergency medical help if you have already been suffering from ED caused by stress and anxiety. purchase levitra online other Tell them that it will lessen the signs and symptoms of Toxicity Headaches Joint pains Coughs Wheezing Sore throat Tight or stiff neck Angina pectoris Circulatory deficits High blood fats Backaches Itchy nose Frequent colds Irritated eyes Immune weakness Environmental sensitivity generic viagra without prescriptions unica-web.com Sinus congestion Fever Runny nose Nervousness Sleepiness Insomnia Dizziness Mood changes Anxiety Depression Fatigue Skin rashes Hives Nausea Indigestion Anorexia Bad breath. Offers long-term benefits Men consuming herbal sex tablets purchase cialis next can experience a renewed energy, rekindled passion and better overall sexual health. Type 2 CRS comprises chronic abnormalities in cardiac function (example, chronic cialis cheap india congestive heart failure) causing progressive chronic kidney disease. I’m still carrying around the locks of hair from his first haircut.

But we are having our traditional first birthday celebration: Pooh Cakes. With the wild blowout that was Little Miss’s party, I purchased four small Winnie the Pooh cake pans. So everyone gets a Pooh party for their first birthday. Whether they like it or not. And really, what’s not to like about Pooh?

With all this partying and Girl Scouting and performing, my blog reading is slightly behind. (You don’t even want to see my bloglines. Ack!) But there are things that I’ll note to read when I have the time. There is a new Carnival of Principled Government up at Life Nurturing Education. Looks great, Renae! The Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Seeking Rest in the Ancient Paths. It’s a hat-themed carnivals. I love hats. I used to be such a hat-wearing girl, now I’m a sling wearing mom. And of course, Monday (yesterday, right?) always brings Joe Carter’s 33 Things.

4 responses to “Pooh Cakes! and links”

  1. Renae Avatar

    You little one isn’t the only one with a blank baby book. Don’t we always have the best intentions?

    Thanks for linking to the carnival. You are number one on the line-up, so, of course, it’s great. 🙂

    Peace to you and Happy Birthday to your littlest!

  2. April Avatar

    Thanks, Renae. We have caked and presented. Now we just have to convince the big kids that these are the baby’s gifts. (Wooden blocks are fun for all ages!)

    Great job on the carnival. I love the pictures.

  3. dana Avatar

    With my first, I knew how many days old she was. With my fourth, I have to actually mathematically figure out how many months old she is. And none of them got baby books.

    Principled Discovery

  4. April Avatar

    Oh, yes, I knew the developmental milestones of my first down to the nanosecond. Now, when someone asks me about my younger kids abilitis, I’m not so sure. “Is the Gigglemeister walking yet?” “Let me check.” **stand him up and THUMP watch him fall.** “No, not yet.”

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