Today we mark 12 years since the horrific attack on our nation. Today we stop and remember, but remembering isn’t enough. We must pass on the story to our children so that they will also know. This is one of those harder aspects of parenting they leave out of the sales pitch. It is a joy to reveal all the beauty and the wonder of the world to our children, but revealing the evil is heartbreaking.
My girls have known about the 9-11 attacks for a few years, but my boys are just learning. They’re still so young, and it feels like stealing their innocence to teach them of such horror. So mainly I tell them bad men did bad things, and lots of people died. We mourn the loss, but we also celebrate all the acts of bravery.
That is actually my emphasis in talking to my children: not the evil men who do evil things, but we look at the brave souls who run into burning buildings or who stay with friends who could not escape. Our focus is on the triumph over the tragedy, and the necessity of being the type of people who run to help.
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Today, we’re making cookies to take to our local fire station. It is such a small gesture, but I hope it’s a seed planted in my children’s hearts. Be thankful for those who protects us. Bad things happen, evil people do evil things, but when bad things happen, be a helper.
My friend Lynn Schott of Founders Academy has put together a Pinterest board on teaching children about 9/11. I found it helpful.
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