Oh for Nice!

Coming hard on the heels of my Jonah day, I received the Nice Matters award from Renae at Life Nurturing Education. The timing seems uncomfortable since I don’t feel particularly nice, but I’m honored.

Thank you, Renae, I shall try to live up to the spirit of the award:

“This award will be awarded to those that are just nice people , good blog friends and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others that are there to lend support or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!”

And now to pass the award on to seven other bloggers who fit the description.

The Deputy Headmistress and other inhabitants of the Common Room (Does that count for more than one? They’re all lovely. Except the Headmaster. We shall call him admirable.)

Mama Squirrel at Dewey’s Treehouse

Tulip Girl
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Amy of the Humble Musings

Libby the English Muffin

Tammy at Just Enough, and Nothing More


Heather the Hippmama

Thank you, ladies (and headmaster) for your inspiration!

2 responses to “Oh for Nice!”

  1. heather Avatar

    Hey! thanks!
    i don’t feel particularly nice either. 🙂 just kinda blah… so thank you thank you.

    love hanging around your site and feeling like i’m still connected to you.

    have a fabulous weekend o nice one.

  2. TammyT Avatar

    Oh wow April!

    I’m not sure what to say except, “thanks”, and I’m going to give you a link back 🙂 Cuz you rock.

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