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It’s my birthday, I’m gonna be lazy

I have thoughts, thoughts about thing that ought to be blogged. Okay, that’s too bold a statement. I have thoughts that I’ve thought about blogging. Or something. I’m tired, so I’m not going to think, I’m going to link. . But after online cialis prescriptions was introduced, it went on to be the most popular drug. It is claimed that many men have switched to buy viagra no prescription because viagra did not work for them. Increase your fluid intake to prevent your hair damage. cheap viagra pills A person can get discover address order cheap viagra over the issue of erectile brokenness or impotency among the men. .

To the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival, which I missed on Monday. There’s a post I missed at the Common Room with this delightful phrase: “Latin: As desired (actually, everything on here could say ‘as desired.’ I am not the boss of you)” tee hee

And to this great article about homeschool graduate Chelsea Link. (ht Tammy @ Just Enough and Nothing More). This sentence encapsulates one of the main reasons and main goals of our decision to homeschool:

While other students talk cynically about the admissions “game” and “résumé-building,” Link seems propelled by a genuine intellectual curiosity that can’t be faked.

And to today’s Astronomy Picture of Today. Because cosmic collisions can be beautiful, from afar.

2 responses to “It’s my birthday, I’m gonna be lazy”

  1. Anne Avatar

    Happy Birthday!

  2. TammyT Avatar

    Big hugs on your birthday!

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