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Homeschooler, know thy enemy

I am, of course, speaking of February. Oh, you didn’t know the feelings of dread and despair are universal? Just google “February quit homeschooling.” Everyone wants to quit in February.

But knowing is only half the battle. The other half requires careful planning, perseverance, and a sense of humor. By careful planning, I don’t mean detailed lesson plans and creative punishments. I mean realizing that joy and love are our weapons against drudgery and despair.

Knowing that February was coming, I decided to start it with our own brand of delight.  On tap for this morning’s þing: monkey bread, new doodle books*, and Winnie-the-Pooh.

war on February

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Of course, this is day one of the longest shortest month. (And this year is leap year. Dangit!) We’ve probably got some cold and miserable days ahead — the perfect days for hot chocolate and board games and reading aloud a favorite book. We’ll most likely have some frustrated tears over math or writing or general angst. Overcome angst with fun music and goofy mom-dancing. We’ve got some days ahead when nothing works and everything is going wrong and “whose dumb idea was it to homeschool anyway.” And then you put on weather appropriate clothing and go check out your nature spot.

Listen, homeschooler. February is going to come at you hard. You’re going to be tempted to grind down and “just make it through.” That will work in that you’ll all (probably) be alive on March 1st, but neither you nor your kids will be happy about it. We all have to get through this month, and it will be a battle. But the weapons you choose will make a big difference in how you fare. Remember what Julie Andrews sang: “A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.” I think I’ll add that movie to my February arsenal.

*I got those nifty books from Aldi. There were several craft kits that would be perfect for a joy arsenal.

How do you get through February? Share your strategies in the comments.

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