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Hey, look! A blog!

Wow, have I not been here. Where have I been? I’ve been unwell, pulled back, sinus ickiness, and a pulled muscle on top of my foot. Weird, what? (Um, yeah, I’ve been reading Dorothy Sayers lately. I’ve gotten Wimsey in my speech.)

I also went to a Scholastic Warehouse clearance sale with my lame foot–probably not the smartest thing I’ve ever done–but I did get some good stuff including The Essentials of Cooking, The Ultimate Sewing Book, and The Mysteries of History for $3 each. I also got all but the last Harry Potter book for $22. I love that sale.

I’ll probably be posting more on healthcare–specifically Medicare and end-of-life government “counseling”, but here are some things that caught my eye this past week in all my broken glory.

President Bush was right to call them evil. HT: Hot Air

Whoever heard of a media business that didn’t want viewers? AP tells bloggers and search engines, “Stop looking at me!” I like that business model. It’s just crazy enough to blow up in their faces and make them look like fools.

Oh-Joe being diplomatic? (She is pretty, though.)

Honduras: The guy we’re backing. Maybe we can walk that back a bit?

This is the right way to apologize for a screw up. It provides natural ingredients that can promote the flow of chemicals http://djpaulkom.tv/photos-polow-mob-tv-shoots-away-at-the-massacre-tour-in-austin/ order generic cialis in body which are necessary for raising libido and fantasies. One can have it generic cialis 20mg for longer period of time, it would be better to ask the healthcare advisor for further dosage. Fat in the pancreas declines its function causing indigestion; therefore, all measures, which reduce the body’s fat are difficult to overestimate. generic levitra brand For effective result, try to drink ginseng tea viagra online india on a regular basis. Although, I must confess this highlights some of my concerns with e-books. They can reach in your machine and delete or edit your books without your consent of prior knowledge? Sounds a little 1984 to me. Suffice to say, I’m not yet sold on the concept. Although, they might eliminate the problem of too heavy backpacks.

An amateur astronomer discovers an earth-size impact scar on Jupiter. Ya know, if I won the lottery, I’d love to move up to the Davis Mountains and become an amateur astronomer.

I’ve got to get my act together, get my workboxes together, get my laundry together. Basically, I’ve got to get it together. On a bad foot. Wish me luck!

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