Except communists, I guess. But since I probably don’t have a lot of communists reading this blog, it doesn’t matter. Non-communist homeschoolers really love sales, and Compass Classroom has a huge sale this week only–30 to 50 percent off. This is the company that puts out Visual Latin. We love this program, and I’ve reviewed it here.
In fact, my daughter is taking an online high school Latin class from the teacher, Dwane Thomas. She’ll be jumping into Latin 2, since she’d already worked through more than half the Visual Latin program. Mr. Thomas has been very kind in helping her to catch up over the summer. (He also has a fun blog where he writes about things like Latin and Harry Potter. Even non-Latin non-students will get a kick out of it.) Two things: the fact that my baby tiny child is going to be in high school is still wigging me out. And the fact that she adores Latin and finds it loads of fun is also . . . odd. But I digress.
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In addition to Latin, Compass Classroom offers classes in history, economics, Bible, film making, Greek, vocabulary. literature, logic, and philosophy, all from a Biblical worldview. (I think that’s it. I may have missed something.) I’ve reviewed the economics program, but we haven’t done it with the kids yet.
Like the Latin program it looks like you get to sample lessons before you buy the whole thing. I haven’t checked every subject, but that seems like the standard operating procedure for the company. More curriculum companies should do that–especially those with primarily on-line presence. The sale last through Monday, August 11, so don’t miss it.
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