I’ve finished my first book for the Empty Shelf Challenge. The challenge is to shelve the books you finish between December 24 and the end of this year, not those you start and finish, fortunately. I started this book a while back. I’m reading it with my daughters, and we’ve been hard-pressed to find the time to set aside to discuss it. We did the first section way back in September, the second at the beginning of December, and finally finished yesterday.
For this book, I’m following Jon Acuff’s format for recording books, but I probably won’t use this format on all the books I read.
Title: Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations
Authors: Alex and Brett Harris
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Why did I read it: This is the first book in a reading project I’m doing with my daughters. The plan is to continue this mother-daughter book club through their teen years, reading books that inspire, challenge, and equip them for all that God has called them to do. This seemed like a good starting place. Not only was it a good choice for them, this book did all that for me as well.
Favorite idea: There were so many great things in this book, but probably the biggest punch for me was to reject the idea that being “good for your age” or “at least you don’t do x,y, or z bad thing” is standard we should want for our kids (Or for teens want for themselves. Or for us to want for ourselves. Whoever.) My favorite quote in a book of great ideas: “One of life’s greatest lessons…could be expressed in the phrase ‘That was nothing. Watch this.’ Challenge yourself and others to call the normal things normal and save that word excellent for things that really are.”
Where can I buy it: Here! (af)
Are you doing the Empty Shelf Challenge? What book would you suggest for our mother-daughter book club?
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