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Dance with the devil

In my latest Communities Digital News article, I take another look at female gendercide — this time on Western Shores.  Two Canadian medical societies have released a statement calling for a ban on “non-medical” ultrasound. Although sex-selection abortion is never mentioned in the statement, the reporting around the statement mentions the increase in sex-selection abortion, particularly in Asian-immigrant communities.

Gendercide has resulted in as many as 200 million missing girls globally, causing havoc with demographics, leading to issues like sex slavery and a multitude of other abuses of women. Anybody with half a brain and a heart, but especially feminists who claim to speak for rights of females, ought to be opposed to this. But alas, the primary method of attack against those girls is abortion, and abortion must be protected at all costs.

As Kelly McParland at the Canadian National Post reports, when a conservative MP tried to address this same issue a year ago, the abortion lobby attacked full force.  When forced to choose between girls being targeted for destruction and even the slightest regulation of abortion, the left has to protect abortion. They’ve made it the ultimate right, sacred ground, and anything that approaches that ground must be fought tooth and nail.

We saw this in Texas when the legislature debated a bill to ban most abortions after 20 weeks and have abortion facilities meet the same health and safety standards of ambulatory surgical centers.  This is an unborn baby at 20 weeks, for reference:

20 week unborn

Standing for the continued destruction of these babies and against even modest regulations of abortion clinics earned Wendy Davis national fame and a boost in the Democratic gubernatorial primary, regardless of her qualifications as a candidate.

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Likewise, Bill Clinton was given a pass on all sorts of . . . indiscretions in large part because he was sold heart and soul to the abortion industry, including vetoing the bill to ban partial-birth abortion, a procedure where the child is delivered almost entirely except for her head. She’s then killed and her body is fully delivered.  (If you doubt this analysis, just review Nina Burleigh’s classy quote about what she — and all women — ought to do for Clinton solely because of his aggressive pro-abortion position.)

And now this “abortion is everything” has put feminists between a rock and a hard place.  How do you oppose gendercide if you wholeheartedly support the weapon of its implementation?   The weak-tea method of condemning the use of ultrasounds for “non-medical” uses but not mentioning the real problem that using ultrasound helps target girls for abortion will not likely work. The refusal of abortion supporters to condemn sex-selection abortion effectively takes the bite out of even this mild move.

In claiming that the right to kill our children is the ultimate necessity to keep women free from oppression, they abandon millions of women and girls to true oppression and death.

For more on female gendercide, including the prevalence in Western nations, read my article at Between Errands at Communities Digital News.

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