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    A little fun

    A little fun

    I’ve watched this twice and I’ll probably watch it again.  I feel bad. Schadenfreude is wrong. *evil grin.* My favorite part was when the nurse said, “In normal labor you’d be having another contraction right now.” Big burly man, “But I don’t want that!” Loss of sleep called insomnia because of the involvement of the […]

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    It makes me giggle, evil like

    I can’t help it. Ted Kennedy’s seat goes to a Republican. Dem candidate and White House can’t assign blame quick enough. The world has turned upside down. *giggle* I once dated a guy from Massachusetts. And yeah, I was a little ashamed. It resulted in a lower viagra professional generic International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), […]

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    On schedenfreude

    Scott Ott of Scrappleface has a very good take on the Spitzer scandal at Townhall. He writes: “Before you rise to do a Snoopy dance on the political grave of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, you might pause to consider how a man with a such a public reputation of integrity ends up a poster-child […]

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