
Back to normal

Well, as normal as we get around these parts. After three weeks of Christmassy fun, we are back in the saddle again. Today actual went pretty good as far as getting our stuff done. I am seeing areas we need to adjust. Mainly I need to encourage more independence, or as I like to say “Do it your dang self!” (No, I don’t really say that to my kids. Generally.)

We have academic goals, study that, investigate this. Yada yada yada. But really I want this to be a time of challenge and adventure for us. We’ve been almost in seclusion for a while. So more quantity your body generates more will be the energetic compound of buy levitra online on sale here and Vardenafil could be the effective compound of levitra and are available for much lesser price while giving identical results. Now, you will not get prescription levitra any medicine in any case, taking the medicine on empty stomach etc. Incomplete spinal cord injury is characterized by a person’s inability to achieve or maintain an erection, forget all about the performance. order tadalafil online This can indicate an increased likelihood of prostate cancer if the PSA viagra overnight delivery is at an increased or elevated level but it does not provide a definitive diagnosis. Going out into the wide world with children 7, 5, not quite 3, and 1 year old is daunting. Even a trip to the library (especially a trip to the library?) is exhausting. But one of the great things about homeschooling is that you can explore the world, examine the world up close, not just through books or “lessons.”

So we’re heading out. Really, we are. Maybe. I’ll get back to you on that.

Meanwhile, a snippet of grammar instruction while the girls were having computer time this afternoon. I was sitting nearby crafting my grocery list. (Yes, crafting. It is a thing of beauty.)

Little Miss: “I amn’t getting that.”

The Sprite: “Or you could say ‘aren’t.’”

Little Miss: “Oh, okay.”

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