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Another roadtrip flashback

One year ago, two adults, a six-year-old, a four-year-old, a two-year-old, a two-month-old, and two cats crammed themselves into a minivan and drove from Virginia to Texas. This is from the Charlotte, NC to Birmingham, AL leg of the trip:
From the people who gave us “Happiness is a warm puppy” and “Love is never having to say you’re sorry”: a church in NC has a sign that says “Worship is like giving God a hug.” Which, of course, raises a question: What kind of hug? Is it a back-thumping hug? Is that one thump or two? Is it a side hug? Perhaps someone could write a book on hugging worship and answer these critical questions.Also seen: a water tower painted like a peach in Gaffney, SC. Cute. At the McDonald’s in Lavonia, GA: a guy coming out of the restroom eating an ice cream cone. Gross.

Day two on the road was a mixed bag. We got a late start but were feeling refreshed and rested. Things went pretty well until said McDonald’s. Then our two-year-old started engaging in the behavior that earned the phrase “terrible twos.” The kids had to eat before they could play. Bulldozer had eaten a bunch of fries & an apple slice or two, but none of his burger. So he has to take at least one bite before playing. No deal. I think we fought him for 20 minutes on the bite. I know your thinking, “One bite? Controlling much?” But sometimes your kid picks a fight that, if you don’t win, will spell the beginning of a much bigger and uglier war. We just knew we had to win that fight. And yes, we did eventually win, and Bulldozer did get to play.

After that, we hit rush hour traffic in Atlanta, and the girls had to stop one hour (One Hour!) before Birmingham, our stop for the night. This, of course, woke up Gigglemeister, who had to eat. Then, with the screaming and the traffic and the restaurant forgetting one of our meals, it was a fairly hard landing.

The baby is finally asleep again and it’s closing in on five a.m., so I’m gonna call it a night. Keep praying!

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