
100 Word Challenge: See


“What do you see?”

“I see a house.”

“Anyone with eyes can see a house,” the creaky voice huffed. “You are trained and gifted to see better. What do you see?”

Trepidatiously, the apprentice tried again. “I see … patterns? Geometrical patterns!”

“Of all the — What use is it to see patterns? What kind of fairy work did you think I do? Geometry? Close your eyes!”

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“Oh!” Her eyes flew open. “Despair. I see despair.”

“Good,” the old fairy said, opening her bag and pulling out Hope. “Let’s get to work.”

This is Jimmie’s  challenge, and he took the picture that is the inspiration. His story has a cool audio feature, so you don’t want to miss it.

Take part in Friday Fiction (or whenever you get around to it — Saturday, for example)! The idea is simple: using the image as your inspiration/jumping off point, write a 100-word piece of fiction. (Or longer. Or shorter. Whatever.) It’s fun and challenging, and I love reading how different people are inspired by the same picture. Leave your link in the comments, leave your story in the comments, post on Instagram, or Facebook — whatever platform you want to use!  Be sure to tag me. I love reading these!

My previous stories are here.

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