Upon the Feast of Epiphany

I seek the wisdom of the Wise Men, specifically, plumbing wisdom. Yes, I know they are assumed to be wise in matters of astronomy, etc., but that’s not what I’m seeking.

Because one day after we shelled out $1200 for a shiny new water heater (brought up to code so it doesn’t flood and/or explode and kill us all, thank you Mr. Plumber), we have a clogged toilet. You can arrange kamagra from anyplace and we assurance you that you will get kamagra items at truly convincible cost with right quality on the grounds that we are one of the generic viagra germany main dropshipping organization in India. It is quite tough to pick the best method levitra in uk out there for you. The online pharmacies will generic viagra from india supply the medicine to your door steps. This article has compared the online cialis canada two drugs – they operate in roughly 70% to 80% on the situations. I’m inclined to believe a small child put something down there. They’re sneaky like that.

Anyway, I’m going in. Prayers are appreciated, laughter encouraged, your own plumbing stories welcomed in the comments.

5 responses to “Upon the Feast of Epiphany”

  1. B Avatar

    I’m glad you got your water heater installed, and sorry that you have clogging issues. As MTG will attest to, in our house we knew how to use the plunger by age 5 since the toilet clogged quite easily. I don’t recall anyone throwing things in to clog it up, but then I wasn’t born yet when my brothers were at the toilet-clogging age. I very much hope that whoever used the toilet last had flushed it before other things were put in to clog it up. Hope all goes well…

  2. April Avatar

    Thanks. Ask your brother about our latest plumbing fiasco. It’s entertaining!

  3. Dana Avatar

    Ah the joys of children and plumbing. We just spent over $300 on a plumber. We saved $60 for offering to put the toilet back ourselves. Fun going two days without one, though. Lots of trips to the gas station until our neighbors got home. And when else would your three year old decide to get diarrhea?

    (And yes, you do have to join Twitter to chat w/ us on Mondays. You can ignore it the rest of the time if you like. 🙂

  4. April Avatar

    Oh, ouch. Fortunately, we’ve got two bathrooms. I can’t imagine having to load everyone up for potty breaks.

  5. […] Experts say this is the worse day of the year. I suspect some of that is due in part to the hard sugar crash people are having. It is also the Feast of Epiphany, or as I’m coming to know it, the Day of the Plumber. […]

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