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Tweaking traditions

The most enduring Thompson family tradition is Saturday morning chocolate chip pancakes. As long as we are home, the kids are having chocolate chip pancakes and watching cartoons. MTG, Little Miss and I will have pancakes often with a seasonal twist: pumpkin, blueberry, or the like. Or plain pancakes. Plain pancakes are yummy.

However, Little Miss and I have started doing the 21 Day Sugar Detox (af) two or three times a year, which means no grain. So for six to nine Saturdays a year, we either have to find a substitute or go without. I’m not one to easily ditch tradition, so I’ve been searching for a substitute.

Thus far, I’ve discovered this: grain free pancakes do not compare to yummy, fluffy, glutteny pancakes. Oh, pancakes, I love you so. Sorry, I digress. Most of my attempts have left me thinking I’d better off sticking with bacon and eggs. In fact, that has been my general conclusion when on the sugar detox: don’t try to substitute grain products for faux-grain products; just eat real, non-grain foods. Your eggs don’t need toast, your chilli doesn’t need crackers, and your hamburger is just as tasty wrapped in a lettuce leaf. Okay, maybe not just as tasty as a real bun, but certainly better than those grainless “breads.” As for pizza, we’ve ditched trying to find a substitute altogether and instead have this spaghetti squash lasagna which is so, so good. So good.

But, I have found a pancake recipe that is actually quite good and not a pain in the butt to make.  Behold! My pancakes! Topped with apples sauteed in cinnamon and butter and fresh whipped cream!

grain free pancakes
Listen, I’m not a food photographer, or any type of photographer. But some smart person somewhere said make sure you have images in your blog post to help people share via pinning, etc. So: my pancakes.

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Caveats: I’m doing no sugar, not a paleo diet, so I used milk (raw, actually) and cream. I don’t know how they’d be with the coconut or almond milk. I also just use the almond flour sold in the bulk bins at sprouts. And I’m ignorant in the way of nut flours, but I don’t think it’s blanched. It works fine. I’m probably not as faithful to the diet as purists would like, but I’ve got a budget to stick to, and this stuff can get too expensive PDQ.

These are good enough that I’d eat them when I’m not doing the detox, but still looking to reduce my simple carb intake. Which I should really do, except I love bread so much I’d marry it if society weren’t so intolerant. Also: I find these more filling than regular pancakes, so adjust your portions accordingly. For more of my detox recipes, check out my Pinterest board. Disclaimer: just because it’s on the board doesn’t necessarily mean I’ve tried it and liked it.

Happy pancaking!

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