Traveling Travails

The trip from our house to my parents is 350 miles. Since moving last February, we’ve made this trip 5 times (including the drive yesterday.) We’ve pretty much got it down to a science: from where to stop, to who gets to pick which dvd when. We generally do pretty well with no major bumps in the road.

But yesterday.

45 minutes down the road, the Sprite says her tummy hurts. It turns out she’s developing motion sickness. It never used to be an issue, now it is. So we stop to get her some gingerale and let her walk around. She comes out of the van barefoot. “Get your shoes, girl!”

“I couldn’t find them.”

They have to be there somewhere. Little Miss, help your sister find her shoes.

“No, I couldn’t find them at home, so I didn’t wear them.”

At all. Erectile Dysfunction is something that plagues many men across the world are viagra online australia deprived of sexual pleasure because their males are not showing interest for lovemaking. Kamagra- durability of effects It is short-term treatment for cialis tabs male sexual dysfunction. You are proposed to take one Kamagra Oral cheap viagra Jelly sachet about a prior hour sex on a vacant stomach or after a low-fat or solid dinner. Many people do not really know erectile dysfunction but studies have shown that excessive viewing of pornography can numb you’re body to normal sensations therefore affecting cialis properien your ability to perform in the bedroom. We’re gone for a week and she doesn’t bring shoes. Don’t you wonder what she’s thinking? “Shoes, smoes. I don’t need no stinking shoes.” I’m gonna have to start pointing out all the “no shirt/no shoes/no service” signs. No shoes, no McDonald’s, kid!

We pull her dress shoes from the bottom of the suitcase that’s stacked tight in the carrier on top of the van. Shoes are going to be the death of me.

And then of course there’s the last 45 minutes of melodious screaming from the Gigglemeister who is just done with the whole thing and really not appreciating the sun setting in his eyes. I feel ya, kid. And so does MTG who got to hold up a blanket for that 45 minutes.

Also missing: my glasses and my toothbrush, which I distinctly remember placing in their respective cases. Who knows what else I forgot.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

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