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The best years of your life?

Dana has a very good, slightly sad post about the reality of public school. Yeah, I can relate.

A friend recently saw the movie Friday Night Lights. That was my high school a couple of years before I got there. And yes, the whole town (seemingly) was a wee bit manic about their football. I was, um, not. One thing I heard from many, many adults (although not my parent, bless ’em) was, “These are the best years of your life.”

What I thought then, what I know now: “If this is the best time of my life, I’m in a lot of trouble.”

Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t awful. But it didn’t even approach great. Most the time it didn’t approach good. I was an honors student, although not at the top of my class. I was in the orchestra, although not a great musician. I was a quiet, keep your head down, middling nerd. I wasn’t popular or unpopular. I was the “have a great summer” and “to a nice girl” of countless yearbook signings.

I wasn’t a troublemaker or a standout student. For this the man has to get treated or else there are 90% chances that the person cialis india online http://www.icks.org/data/ijks/1482965794_add_file_2.pdf might face some adverse side effect due to these pills if you are also captivating medicines that are known to contain nitrates. Another common factor that binds men and women are the new drugs, which claim to have sexual enhancing effects order cialis online for women. There are several herbal vardenafil sale products available in the medicine treatment name the blue capsule. It is used to bring about a faster response and reduce purchase viagra online recommended the side effects of conventional drugs. I was smart and I loved to read and was more interested in learning than most students. But I knew that if the other 3 kids in my distance learning Russian class wanted to play cards rather than learn, I should shut up and deal. I knew how to work the system, give the answers expected and get by without much fuss. School was bearable. I had a few really great teachers over the years. Most were adequate. Some were almost criminally incompetent. I survived the experience and I now regret the wasted years of bad textbooks, multiple choice exams and regurgitating study guides.

I survived the socialization of public school, but I have few fond memories. I skipped homecoming and prom. I had a few friend I wouldn’t mind seeing again, but not enough to attend a reunion. I have a feeling the people I’d like to see wouldn’t show up to a reunion anyway.

I sound bitter, but I don’t think of those years with anger. Mostly I think it was a huge waste of time, but hey, what else would you do at 16? Sail around the world?

5 responses to “The best years of your life?”

  1. Renae Avatar

    I laughed out loud at the end! You know how to make a point, don’t you? 😀

  2. Dana Avatar

    Ya know, I’d like to attend my high school reunion, except that I didn’t graduate from my high school. I technically graduated from the one I got my government credit from although I only showed up for two hours a day for one semester. Real close bonds there, but they are the ones sending me invitations.

    Maybe I should call the high school I attended for three years and see if there is a way to get on their list though I didn’t graduate. That would be cool. 🙂

  3. April Avatar

    Thanks Renae. I love to make people laugh. Which is ironic since I can’t tell a joke to save my life.

    Dana, I don’t get notices for my high school reunions and I did graduate after 3 years at the same school. So perhaps the feeling is mutual. That or I’ve never made my information available.

  4. Laureen Avatar

    OMG I could have written this. Word for word. So I’m raising my kids on a sailboat. =) Because that’s *exactly* what I’m hoping they’re doing when they get there. =)

  5. April Avatar

    Man, Laureen! You go, girl! How did I miss your second blog? I’m adding it to my reader now. My husband really enjoyed “Girl Driving.” I’ll be waiting for your kids to sail around the world, or wherever their hearts take them.

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