
Thanksgiving exhaustion

Why is it my mother can lay down for a nap and pop up, without an alarm, 20 minutes later refreshed and revived, but when I lay down for a nap, I emerge from my cave three hours later groggy and mumbling about coffee? It can’t be the turkey, that was over two days ago. Apparently, I didn’t get the catnap gene. Phooey.

We went to Houston to have Thanksgiving at my brother’s house. My parents and sister and her fiance came and there was great feasting. (Great as in amount as well as quality.) My sister and her man had to leave Thursday night to get to work Friday morning and my parents left Friday morning to miss the snowstorms hitting West Texas (!!!), so it was just the two families Friday.

They got a Wii as a family Christmas gift and boy, is that thing fun. Also, I’m sore. Sore from playing a video game. It’s a crazy world. In short, you are a few steps away from the drug as it contains 100 online viagra mastercard mg of Sildenafil Citrate. viagra 25mg In which an individual smells dangerous odors on the other hand seems, in place will be a large amount of blood vessels stream typically will probably be present within the amygdala. Numerous viagra cialis generico young people never get treatment for their clutters basically in light of the fact that folks or guardians aren’t certain where to turn. Health has always cheap cialis australia been the priority of most of the people. Friday night, my very capable niece (who is now 14 and that is just not right!) watched the kids while the adults went out to eat. I’d almost forgotten how nice it is to go out without knee biters. Then we stayed up to midnight playing tennis and snowboarding and golf and bowling. Actually, the my sister-in-law stayed up to midnight, I’m not sure when the boys when to bed.

It was nice spending time with the family. Not so nice driving through the rain, nice to be home and take a nap. Thanksgiving is spent. . .Christmas, here we come!

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