There seems to be too many digits in our temperature lately. Somebody fix that.
Price controls, regulations, and general interference by the federal government has lead to shortages in drugs. Who’d a thought? (Oh yeah, anyone with a brain.)
Our periodic rage inducing TSA link, agent spills a man’s grandfather’s ashes and laughs.
Okay, I need a pick me up. This is a neat story of an Australian soldier returning dog tags to veterans (and families) from World War II.
The 12 Reasons College Costs Keep Rising, and related “Marginalism and the Higher Ed Paradox” i.e. as the quality of higher education declines, it’s necessity and cost rise. Food for though and frustration.
More in the educational vein, a great post with great links on living history. No, not living history, LIVING history. Oh, just read the post.
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Somebody wrote a post on educating Bulldozer.
This is specifically about the use of the term “denier” to describe those who are skeptical of catastrophic anthropomorphic climate change, but really applies to all sorts of disagreements. Caricatures, mischaracterization, name-calling, etc. are cheap tricks to “win” debates. And I don’t think they actually work. (See also: RACIST!!!111!)
The horrible Sandusky situation has a lot of people talking about how to protect our kids from predators. Two rules I use are, first, to teach them to always listen to the instinct God has given them: if they get a bad feeling, act on it. The second rule is that I don’t own their bodies and no one has a right to their physical affections.
Another thing to teach children (and teens, adults, puppies, etc.) is the secret of self-control.
Very cool pinterest board of the Top 50 C.S. Lewis Quotes from the @CSLewisDaily twitter feed.