Terrible Tuesday: lack of material

So this is how Terrible Tuesday usually works: throughout the week, I save items of interest. write a couple of sentence of introduction, then link like the wind. But last week I did the screen free week, so I didn’t save any items of interest last week. So I have very, very little to share. But not nothing!

Skimpy links!

Not all tears are the same. Pictures of tears through a microscope.

Black widow vs. garter snake. Poor snake.

Things not to do when drunk: drive, call or text anyone, buy stuff. Unless you want a squirrel riding a horse.

squirrel on a horse

Erectile dysfunction is also known to a lot of stress and viagra pfizer pharmacie other reasons into their life. It is the most common sexual disorder, prevalent in a large number of the men. cheap brand levitra Other causes for Oligospermia are: Stress Some medications Smoking Exposure to some toxins Alcohol Being underweight Malnutrition Obesity Sexually transmitted diseases. cipla tadalafil look at these guys Tricyclic antidepressants: You may recognize the names “Anafranil” or “Placil. more helpful tabs cheapest viagra Good doggy stays with three-year-old who got lost.

2nd Mitch Hedberg link in (Terrible Tuesday) row: A complete ranking of (almost) every single Mitch Hedberg joke.

Illinois has Santa Anna’s leg, and Texas wants it. Okay, then. Fun fact, Santa Anna’s leg was buried with more honors than the rest of him. (More fun facts from Texas Tales Your Mother Never Told You.)

I think I’ve linked to this before, but it cracks me up every time. Keaggy, our grouchy-ol’-man cat, will sit at the communal water dish and just stare at Jack, daring him to come closer. Jack just sits whining until the cat decides he’s bored and walks off. Sometimes it’s longer than 5 minutes, but of course, it may just be that Keaggy has dozed off at the water dish. But still Jack sits.


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