
Terrible Tuesday: Just a Tuesday

Summer is going too fast and my to-do list isn’t getting any shorter. Perhaps that’s because I keep adding to it.


Sometimes things are “traditional” and “old fashioned” because they work.  Families with married parents do much better than families headed by single moms. Um, duh. Beyond the basic reality of many hands make light work, daddies are really important! How is this news? But I also think that the church can and must do better for single parents–moms and dads. Can’t we?

And then you have a safety net that traps people. Which of course, one use for a net, I guess. Hey, remember the major success of the Clinton Administration, welfare reform? Yeah, well that’s has been executively gutted by the Obama Administration . Separation of Powers? We don’t need no stinking separation of powers!

And speaking of men and Christians, this is a great post on Magic Mike.

Dear the Government, you keep getting food stuff wrong (can anyone say “trans-fats”?) Perhaps you should stop picking winners and losers and keeping your foot on the scale and let people make their own food decisions?

This would be funny if it weren’t so sad, on government-run healthcare, “Is it really like that? I thought we had the worst health care anywhere. No one ever told me centralized healthcare had problems. I never thought that it would need a bureaucracy and of course it would be like this”– gesture at the DMV.

Related and of great interest to me because of my family members, in the British National Health System (NHS) “Rationing has arrived, with more than 90 percent of English health trusts restricting “non-urgent” surgeries, which include hip and knee replacements and cataract surgery.”
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Also related, (if you think like I do) the elderly are becoming “more independent” of their family at the cost of becoming more dependent on government money. This doesn’t end well for anyone.

The human brain is an amazing thing.

This is a great post on 8 ways to sabotage your homeschool. I think in summer, I’m particularly vulnerable to some of these because I tend to let down my guard.

I’ll admit, handicrafts just aren’t my thing. I tend to give the kids a project and say “have at it!” (The girls taught themselves to crochet this way! It can work!) Anyway, here’s a more intentional way to teach your children handicrafts.

More proof of climate change.

Extreme geekery: Placing every Lord Of The Rings character in a family tree.

The history of Rock and Roll in 100 Riffs. I’ll admit I was clueless toward the end. Y’all just mosey on off my lawn.

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